Friday, March 6, 2020

Sensory Overload

While my health continues to get better,  I still have a variety of symptoms.  One of them is sensory overload.   I belong to an international group of Meniere's suffers and, awhile back, we were asked to describe what sensory overload feels like.  Here are a few responses:

It's like when your computer freezes because there are too many tasks open or a task is stuck.

Do you remember the movie "Bruce Almighty"?  He was receiving prayer requests by hearing them in his head as they occurred, hundreds at a time.  They became jumbled, and he became frustrated and couldn't make sense of any of them.  Sensory overload is like that.  Everything is coming at me at once, but it seems I'm the only one noticing.    -  Meredith


Background noise often causes sensory overload between me and whoever is talking to me.  It takes intense concentration to get through the multiple barriers.  It's exhausting and eventually causes tremendous stress, like I'm having a heart attack.  -  Cess

As I walked on stage it sounded like a jet engine going on.  It's literally a noise.  It's cacophony.

- Huey
