Friday, May 4, 2018

Times and Names Are Changing

Lindsey is the name of a young, attractive cashier where I shop on a regular basis.  I try to get in Lindsey's line because Lindsey is funny and kind and totally unfazed by rude shoppers or anything else as far as I can tell.  Lindsey and I always have a fun, albeit short, chit-chat time.

The problem is - if I can even call it a problem because if it is, it's only for me and doesn't seem to be for Lindsey - the problem is that I don't know if Lindsey is male or female.

I seem to experience this more and more when I'm out and about.  I know there are more transgendered people in Florida than in almost any other state.  I saw an interesting article a few weeks ago on the most popular baby names in 2017.  Of course, the baby girl names are still being dominated by ones ending in "a,"  Emma, Ava, Sophia, Olivia, etc.  And the four most popular boy names are Jackson, Liam, Noah and Aiden.

But most interesting to me was the growing popularity of neutral or unisex baby names.  Some of the most popular are Taylor, Baily Alex, Kyle and Riley.  Riley is my maiden name and two of my grandchildren (a boy and a girl) have Riley for a middle name.  I love this!

Where is all this going?  The world is changing and most of us oldies have a hard time keeping up.  I don't understand a lot of the current gender issues.  But here's what I know:

I want to know, love (the agape kind) and accept Lindsey exactly the way Lindsey is.
