Friday, May 18, 2018

First World Problems With Third World Solutions

Recently I picked up a "Real Simple" magazine at the library.  I know many women love this magazine but it occasionally gets on my nerves.  To me, it seems to be geared toward upper middle class women with ridiculous problems.

Case in point is the Modern Manners advice column.  The first question has to do with a woman who is upset because, when her husband's son and wife come to visit, they always choose to sit where "my place" is on the couch. She is feeling displaced.

As you know, I, too, have a favorite place on the couch so you would think I would be sympathetic.  But, no.  The etiquette expert had a pretty good response but I would like to share my own.

I would put this lady on a plane and parachute her into a Syrian refugee camp for a few days.  There she could help care for the needs of the six to ten million internally displaced refugees.  This should help put the couch displacement in perspective.

The next letter is from a lady who wants to put a sign on her front door stating all visitors must remove their shoes.  My answer would be the same as the first.  I'm sure many of these refugees don't even have shoes so problem solved.

Otherwise, my sign suggestion would be:  Abandon shoes all who enter here!
