Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What Would I Tell My 80 Year Old Self

When I was 64 I studied "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.  This was my second time.  I would recommend this work book to anybody at any age.  If you do the work you will be rewarded. But, if you don't care to do the work book, just consider doing the exercise below.

In one portion we were to describe ourselves at age 80.  The following is exactly what I wrote:

I'm eighty.  Very active.  Healthy.  Travel a lot.  Never leave the house without looking put-together.  Have a number of friends and eat out often - but truly enjoy being home alone in the evenings.

Don't answer to anybody.  Close to the children but very independent.  Good friends with Ken K.  Spiritually centered.  

Comfortable with where I am in life.  Not afraid of death and ready to make the tough health decisions.

Then the assignment in "The Artist's Way" was to tell my 64 year old self (which I was at the time) what my 80 year old self would want me to know.  At that time (when I was 64) life was hard.  Here's what I wrote:

Hang in there.  You're doing the right thing.  Enjoy every day as best you can.  You'll never regret what you're doing.  Let the children help a little more.  Be much more open about what you need.  Get out a little more and be strong when others make it hard.

This year I will be 80 years old.  Everything I wrote all those 16 years ago has come to pass.  But, get this, in addition, I met Dave, fell in love and traveled all over the world.  My health is not perfect but it hasn't kept me from fulfilling my prophesy.
