Thursday, September 8, 2016

"None" of the Above

Yesterday I had an uncomfortable conversation with a person I consider to be a friend.  She was giving me an earful about her feelings on all the "fuss" over the young people who got shot in the Pulse Nightclub here in Orlando a few weeks ago.  She essentially told me God hates homosexuals.  I was so sad and frustrated that I didn't respond well.  

When we wonder why so many Americans are saying "none" when asked about their religious affiliation it makes me sad but I can somewhat understand it. (By the way, among millennials, more than one-third are "nones.") 

 As Brian McLaren says in his new book "The Spiritual Migration" Jesus often comes across as anti-poor, anti-environment, anti-gay, anti-intellectual, anti-immigrant and anti-science.  That's not the Jesus we meet in the Gospels.
