Friday, May 6, 2016

Earn. Save. Give.

This is a book written by my friend, Jim Harnish.  The title sounds to me like the book  Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  But it's entirely different.

Jim's little book is based on the sound teachings of John Wesley who, in turn, based his words on the teachings of Jesus.  Jesus said a lot about money.

Some folks get mad at Jesus because they think he wants us to give away all of our money to the poor.  He doesn't.  (Except, apparently, for that rich, young ruler.)  He wants us to be responsible and take care of our families (Except for his disciples whom he asked to give up everything and follow him.)

Jesus especially wants the poor to learn how to earn, save and give.  (I think he wants us to help them do this.)

In his book, Jim tells us he was raised by parents who taught him to be responsible with money.  He's lucky in that respect.  Sometimes we tend to think that those who aren't responsible with money are bad.  But, I think many of the teachings in the Bible are confusing and contradictory.

My husband, Ken, after he entered the ministry, had no interest in making money or saving money.  He honestly believed that, if he did what he was called to do, God would take care of us.  Sometimes when I led seminars on family life I'd say "Ken Crossman went to Harvard Business School for a time but he's a graduate of the 'God Will Take Care of Us School of Finance.'"  He loved hearing me say this.

Early on we went to counseling about the money situation and what came of it was a Tithe Account.  This meant that Ken agreed to only give away money that was in the account - not money that didn't exist.  Even then the kids would say "Dad can't afford to do weddings and funerals because he gives away 150 percent of what is given to him."  And he loved hearing them say this.

What's the point of all this?  Only that we're all different and all called to different things.  Being responsible about money is very important to me and I'm grateful to be in control of my finances.

But some of those wild and crazy gifts Ken made decades ago are still blessing other people.  Lives were changed.

He was also very good at Eat, Pray, Love.
