Friday, April 29, 2016


My Friend Mickey
This week's Time magazine features its annual 100 Most Influential People.  Very interesting.  It also features this year's 100 most influential animals.

Some people think I don't like animals.  I do but I have a different idea than some on how they should be treated.  My brother, who adored his dogs, used to call me Dr. Kevorkian.

Anyway, a prestigious board picked the 100 most influential animals for the preceding year.  I'm sharing my favorite five with you:
Revenant Bear

The Revenant Bear - He gave Leonardo DiCaprio his long overdue Academy Award.

Cecil the Lion - Remember the American hunter/dentist who shot Cecil with his bow and arrow, not realizing that he'd shot a celebrity lion, and then had to go into hiding in fear of his life?

Zika Mosquitoes - Here in Florida we've always been afraid of mosquitoes.  Now Zika is terrorizing us.
Pizza Rat

The Pizza Rat - You would think a rat dragging a slice of pizza down the subway steps would be a ho-hum experience for New Yorkers but, instead, it caused a national sensation.

Mickey Mouse - This guy is the once and always most influential animal in the world.  He's responsible for most of the 75 million visitors we had here in Central Florida last year.  We love him. As Time magazine said:  "He's the Warren Buffet of animals."
