Thursday, November 13, 2014

Love Letter

My old friend, Jim McWhinnie, writes often on Facebook, sometimes several entries a day.  Not only in his Alzheimer's journal but about spiritual and other issues as well.  After all, he is a scholar and has important things to tell us while he can.

His journal entry today is beautiful but it will break your heart.

MY ALZHEIMER'S JOURNAL ... November 11, 2014
Last night, my wife included with dinner a bit of pudding ... a rare treat with my diabetes being the way it is. Without asking as to its kind, my first spoonful brought back to me the memory of how much I love butterscotch. Now, that may not seem so insightful, ... but I observed my taste buds remembered the wonder of butterscotch before my conscious mind could name it. I remembered the love ... before I remembered the words to name or describe it. This is something I need to keep central in my own sense of self and for my loved ones to remember ... in the years ahead I will remember many things though I may not know how to describe them or name. I will remember the experience of the reality; I will remember the feel of the moment.
Later last night, as my wife and I were snuggled on the couch, I thought to myself as I felt her presence so close to me ... "Someday I may not remember you as my wife ... but somehow I believe that I will fall in love with you all over again ... for I do remember how much I love the taste of butterscotch even when I do not remember its name. And I will remember how you, my dear, will feel to me."
So, I do believe ... we come to know the moments ... before we ever give those moments ... words.
jim mcwhinnie
