Saturday, October 11, 2014

Where Is Kim?

Kim Jong Un, the 30 Something (nobody knows his correct age) Supreme Leader of North Korea and the second most famous Kim (after Kardashian) has gone missing.  He hasn't been seen since September 14th.  There's much speculation as to his whereabouts, but nobody seems to know.

I've been thinking about this for a  couple of days - so here are some clues.

Some experts are guessing that he's having feet and ankle problems due to wearing platform heels.  If so, I hope he'll get over his height issues and wear only his NIKE sneakers.  He's famous for having hundreds of pairs.  I, myself, am only 5 feet, 3 inches (and shrinking) so I feel his pain, but, several years back, I had to switch to flats and so should Kim.

As you know,  Kim Jong Un is obsessed with the NBA.  Maybe he's just off somewhere attending basket ball camp with his idols, Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman.

Kim has an alcohol problem.  Maybe he's at the Betty Ford Clinic.
Maybe he's at Disney World

Kim has a weight problem.  Maybe he's at a fat farm.

Kim has a pathological fear of barbers and, reportedly, cuts his own hair.  Maybe he's having a bad hair month or maybe he's attending barber college.

Kim is reclusive and socially awkward.  Maybe he's attending one of those charm schools like they have at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.

Finally, and this is a long shot, I understand that Ryan Gosling and Eve Mendes have taken almost a month to name their new baby girl.  She was born on September 12th and Kim went missing on the 14th.   I wonder if maybe Kim Jong Un might be consulting with them - because today I read that they've come up with the name Esmeralda.

It just seems like a decision Kim would make.
