Saturday, October 4, 2014

Irrational Fear

My niece's response to my last posting featuring the movie "Jaws" made me laugh.  She saw the film as a little girl, with her dad, just prior to coming to Florida.  She reminded me how she was very afraid, when we went to the beach,  that my daughter (her cousin) was going to get attacked by "Jaws" when she swam in the ocean.

This week I was talking with my good friend who is smart and beautiful but is having serious, on going health problems.  She was feeling fearful about the Oklahoma beheading.

I used to be so afraid to fly that I kept me eye on a flight attendant at all times to see if he or she was doing his or her duties in a normal fashion.  (Or could I detect a bit of panic in the eyes?)

These fear stories may seem silly but we all feel this way from time to time.  Right now the Ebola virus is terrifying us.  I now refer to CNN as "The Ebola Channel."

Do you want to watch the Ebola channel?

With our fantastic technology we can be terrified in real time 24 hours a day if we want.  But the reality is that the terrible thing that happens to us, if it does, is going to come from a source much closer.  And possibly from inside ourselves.

So the next time you think you might get kidnapped and murdered in a Wal-Mart parking lot, remember that, if you're going to get killed by somebody, it will probably be your spouse or lover.

If you don't believe me just watch Dateline.
