Sunday, July 7, 2013

Which Side Are You On?

I don't like taking sides.  I like to bring folks together.  But I'm very much aware that, sometimes, we have to take a stand.  This morning's final hymn in the worship service reminded me of when my husband, Ken, preached one of his favorite sermons over and over again to various groups and congregations.

It embarrassed our children to no end.

In the 1930s, Florence Reece, the wife of a union organizer for the mines in Harlan County, Kentucky wrote a folk song called "Which Side Are Yon On, Boys?"  It's been recorded by all the great folk singers, most notably, Pete Seeger.

The song has been used over the years, not just for union organizing, but for places in our country and all over the world when people need to stand up for what they believe in.  Many time the lyrics were changed accordingly.

When Ken used the song he was referring to the Civil Rights movement.  But that's not what embarrassed the kids.  What embarrassed them was that he sang it.  From the pulpit!

Which side are you on boys?
Which side are you on?

He would then go on to encourage folks to figure out where they were on this issue - and some other issues.  Then he finished up by singing again.  And this time it was the hymn we sang this morning.

I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus, 
I have decided to follow Jesus, 
No turning back
No turning back. 
