Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Obituary

This morning's syndicated column by Connie Schultz deals with the death of rocket scientist, and winner of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, Yvonne Brill.  Or, more precisely, her obituary.

Yvonne's obit begins like this:

She made a mean beef stroganoff, followed her husband from job to job and took eight years off from work to raise three children. "The world's best mom", her son Matthew said.

Here's the thing.  Every good mom, no matter what else she's done, feels that raising those kids is the number one priority.  I certainly did. And do.  Nothing else comes even close.  And I'm sure Yvonne Brill would want her son to say nothing better than she was the world's best mom.  But I hope Matthew is aware of what else she did.

For instance, Yvonne Brill, who died on Wednesday at 88, was a brilliant rocket scientist, who in the early 1970s invented a propulsion system to help keep communications satellites from slipping out of their orbits.

Connie Schultz says it so well,  A newspaper obituary is meant to tell the story of why a person mattered in the world at large.  It's a fierce competition.  Thousands of people die every day, but few of their stories make the cut. 

I can just see my obit now:  She made a mean "Six Week Bran Muffin Mix" that not only tasted yummy but kept her family regular; she followed her husband from church to church for 30 years and took 25 years off to raise four children. 

Of course, it's quite likely that my kids don't know what I did - and do.  When I was home doing family stuff I tried to keep my career on the down low.

When my husband, Ken, died, he got that coveted sweet obituary spot in a few papers.  While it was a bit padded, it did do him justice in the big things he accomplished in his life.  I was reminded of it this very week because (nine years after his death) one of my kids posted it again on Facebook.

So, while you may not be fully aware of my accomplishments, here's a start.  In thinking about the extraordinary things listed in Ken's obit - as Ginger used to say about Fred -I did all those things as well.

Only backwards.  And in high heels.
