Saturday, April 14, 2012

New Words

A society in a repressive and controlled state often under the guise of being Utopian.

This morning Dave and I did a three mile charity walk to benefit homeless families.  We have oodles of them here in Central Florida.  I'm happy to tell you the walkers raised $22,000.00.

During the morning I chatted a bit with a fellow walker and he introduced me to a new word, "Dystopia."  (It could be a word that I've forgotten but I don't know what's worse, to not know it or to have forgotten it.)  After coming home I researched the word and realized that I've been involved in anti-dystopian activity most of my adult life. Good to put a name to it.

By the way, my walker friend is one of the smartest people I know but, I'll have to say, he didn't recognize the Chico's emblem on the back of my jacket so - even though he's smart  as the dickens - he's woefully uninformed about older women's clothing boutiques.

The tension between Dystopian and Utopian societies is always present.  It generally creeps in when we choose safety over freedom.

Here's an example:

Dystopia - Just before giving birth to my first baby I asked my doctor, one more time, about breast feeding rather than formula.  He said, "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about these things.  You just take care of your baby and I'll make all the decisions."

Utopia - By the time my fourth baby came around, I was large (literally) and in charge of the decision making regarding my babies' health and my own.  

Following is a list of popular books (that I've read) that have dystopian themes:

  • Brave New World
  • Nineteen Eighty-four
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • Player Piano 
  • Metamorphosis

A current Dystopian series that I have not yet read or seen in the movies is The Hunger Games.  
