Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Closer

I love the television show "The Closer."  I'm sad that this is its 7th and final year.  I think the character, Brenda Leigh Johnson, played by the wonderful actor Kyra Sedwick, is one of the most rich, complicated characters on TV.   In researching the characteristics the writers have given Brenda, I haven't found any references to Asperger's or obsessive/compulsive behavior, but it seems to me that it's there

At the very least we know she's quirky.  And tends to drive those around her crazy.  Especially, Fritz, her husband.

By the way, this photo is of Brenda and Fritz - not Dave and me.

When we're watching the show I always fuss to Dave about how Brenda treats Fritz.  It's awful.  I rejoice when he gets fed up.  But, mostly, he's gentle and patient with her inability to focus on anything but her current case.

But this morning - this glorious Easter morning - Dave and I had a little dialogue that might remind some viewers of Brenda/Fritz dialogue.

As you know, I wear black pants (and sometimes a black top) every Sunday to church.  But it's Easter.  So this morning I put on a pair of cream colored silk pants  (I don't own a skirt) and a peach colored sweater.  Oh, and pearls.  It's EASTER!

Dave took one look at me and said,

"I like your outfit."

And then, slowly, like he was picking his complimentary words very carefully,

"You look....soft."

I replied in kind of a loud voice,


Dave, in his loving, kind, sweet way, came back with,

"I know you're not soft.  You just look soft"

That is Fritzie and Brenda dialogue.  The kind that sometimes makes me want Fritz, instead of being sweet to Brenda, to boink her over the head.

By the way, instead of getting upset with Kyra Sedwick for making the decision to stop "The Closer" I'll just say to her, for the great seven year run and, since it's in syndication so we can watch it for many more years to come,

Thank you.  Thank you so much.
