Saturday, April 7, 2012


We finally saw the second of the three academy award nominated movies about movies.  Actually , we weren't particularly excited about seeing Hugo because, one, it's a kids' movie and, two it's in 3-D.  But it's now at our neighborhood dollar theater - so we saw it.

It's magnificent.

First off, Dave and I both love Paris.  The Paris scenes are like the most beautiful Paris you've ever seen but then enhanced in ways that could only be accomplished by a genius like, oh I don't know, Martin Scorsese. At one point Dave leaned over and said, "we've got to go back."  I knew what he meant.

I had no idea that Sacha Baron Cohen was in the movie.  I don't care for him or his movies.  But he was wonderful in Hugo. Here he is with the film's star, Asa Butterfield.

Ben Kingsley is great in every movie but over the top good in Hugo. The movie itself is extravagant and his character goes from small to extravagant.

By the way, we saw the movie in 2-D, not 3-D.

The last Scorsese film I saw was Shutter Island. It was terrifying and puzzling, and very much for adults.  I loved it.

But I loved Hugo too. To me it's a far better and more entertaining movie paying homage to the art of movie making than The Artist.

But, again, that's just me.