Thursday, January 26, 2012

Presidents on Our Minds

It's that time of every four years again.  Non stop thinking about who will be our next president.

Yesterday Dave woke up with a worried look on his face. 

I'm trying to think of all of the presidents since I was born, says he. And I'm having trouble.

So, since yesterday morning, we've been trying to think of all the presidents, in order, in our lifetimes. This morning we thought we had it.  But we'd forgotten Jimmy Carter.  This afternoon I was driving across town and realized we'd forgotten Ronald Reagan.  How could we?  We hear his quotes every day.

To get them in the right order I tried to think of what I was doing at the time they were in office.  For instance, when then unknown Jimmy Carter was first running, my husband, Ken, drove down to Miami to have some one-on-one time with him.  But this morning I couldn't remember whether he drove from our home in Ft. Lauderdale in the 70s or our home in West Palm Beach in the 80s.

Of course, we all know exactly where we were when John Kennedy was shot (those of us who were alive at the time.)

 I remembered I was ironing while listening to the Watergate saga so I must have had kids.  I was originally thinking Nixon was right after Eisenhower because their kids married (actually Ike's grandson married Tricia Nixon.)  But I was wrong.

I talked with my daughter on the phone last night.  Three of her four young children know ALL of the presidents in order and can rattle them off really fast.  But I wasn't about to cheat.

By the way, I could list things I admired and things I didn't admire about each of these men.  But, as you know, I have great respect for the office of the president.

Just a while ago, when we thought we had it right, Dave Googled the list.  Here it is.  All 13 presidents since we've been alive. 

33-45   Franklin Roosevelt
45-53   Harry Truman
53-61   Dwight Eisenhower
61-63   John Kennedy
63-69   Lyndon Johnson
69-74   Richard Nixon
74-77   Gerald Ford
77-81   Jimmy Carter
81-89   Ronald Reagan
89-93   George Bush
93-01   Bill Clinton
01-09   George W. Bush
09-       Barack Obama
