Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Does It Matter What They Think?

A while back I was exposed to a list of things that young adults who don't go to church think about those of us who do go to church.  The list is not flattering but I found it helpful to study the list.  I don't want to be any of these things. 

I've shared the list with some other folks and most of them feel like I do but some don't and a couple of them were extremely defensive and immediately started their own negative list describing young adults who don't go to church.

Here's the list of what the majority of 16 to 29 year olds who don't go to church think about us church goers.  Are they right?

Judgmental                                 87 %
Hypocritical                               85 %
Old fashioned                            78 %
Too involved in politics              75 %
Out of touch w/ reality               72 %
Insensitive to others                   70 %
Not accept other faiths              64 %
Boring                                      68 %
Confusing                                 61 %
