Friday, December 10, 2010

Table Talk

We had lunch with my Oldies today.

They seemed so happy to see us but I honestly don't think Mr. Oldie knew who we were. Lunch conversation is getting harder and harder.

What would you talk about if you couldn't remember anything?

The last time we were there we teased Mr. Oldie about when he and his neighbor and fellow curmudgeon, Andy Rooney, lived in Connecticut, and rode into New York together on the train.

But now he doesn't remember the train, Connecticut or Andy Rooney.

When all of the memories go and we truly live in the moment, conversation suffers.

The two lunch choices were shrimp or Philly sandwiches. They didn't seem to know what either was and appeared to be overwhelmed when their Philly steak sandwiches arrived.

I'm so happy and grateful that they're safe and well cared for.
