Friday, December 31, 2010

Maury Hurt's Early Work

Dave and I have colds but today we got ourselves off the couch and down to the Mennello Art Museum to see works by our hometown treasures, Maury Hurt and Grady Kimsey.

Their work is terrific so go see it. Two very different styles.

But I was a little disappointed as well. In the 1970s Maury Hurt's mother was a good friend. A kind and gracious lady, she lived in a large home in downtown Orlando. In the entrance way, just inside the front door was a painting by her son, Maury.

There is no way to adequately express how much I loved that painting. I made excuses to go to her house just to look at the painting. It always moved me.

He did many similar paintings through the years. Always of interiors, always with a crystal ball of some sort. I loved them as well. They always made me want to cry. I could always transport myself in the middle of those rooms.

Then he changed his style. His later works are wonderful - but to me, they're not magical.

If you go to the Mennello for this exhibit - and I hope you do - look a the painting just inside the door. (Just like at his mom's house in the 70s.) It's an example of the old work.

And I spied crystal balls in some of the others today as well.
