Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cyber Self Diagnosis

Some doctors get really ticked off if you research your medical issue prior to your appointment - and arrive with opinions.

But the Internet has given us the ability to learn more than ever about our bodies. I'm not ready to take out my appendix but I did see a YouTube video recently on how to perform a vasectomy. It looked easy.

Seriously, stuff happens to us as we get older. In August my tongue started tingling and burning. I changed my diet, toothpaste, mouthwash and floss. No help.

Late in September, at my regular check up, the dentist found nothing wrong. In October my doctor found nothing wrong.

I was beside myself. Something WAS wrong. I finally found a web site that described my symptoms to a tee. It said there was no known cause and no cure but it happens to older people, usually lasts a few months and then goes away spontaneously.

That's exactly what happened. After four months of having my tongue on fire, it went away. But, in the meantime, what a relief to have that information.

I know absolutely that I prolonged my husband, Ken's, life by doing heavy Internet research on his condition. His doctors weren't one bit intimated. We were all on Ken's Health Team.
