Thursday, November 12, 2009

It Could Have Been Worse

The last few days I've vacillated from feeling kind of devastated and extremely thankful. I guess we all do that from time to time.

Yesterday, everywhere I went, (Nouwen class, meeting with close friends) I was hearing about how God wants me to feel joyful - and thankful.

I guess if we didn't have some tough times we wouldn't know what joyful was or what to be thankful for.

Here's a little example:

The other morning Dave went out to get the paper. When he pressed the button to open the garage door this BIG, HEAVY spring flew off the top and ricocheted around the garage.

When we surveyed the damage it wasn't bad. The car was bumped up a bit but Dave rubbed it out with Turtle Wax.

Later, when the garage door guy came by he said that these airborne springs sometimes fly through windshields and cause terrible damage. Who knew?

Dave could have been hit in the head.

So instead of doing a lot of hand wringing and complaining about the cost of the fix, I decided to be joyful and thankful.

And I'm trying real hard to feel that way about everything.
