Friday, December 8, 2023

The Crocs Want to be Writers

 I love Stephan Pastis' comic strip, Pearls Before Swine.  My favorite characters are the crocodiles. They are charming, clueless predators, but they are so inept that they frighten no one.  They live next door to a zebra who's name is Zebra. They are constantly hatching up plots to kill and eat Zebra, but Zebra is unimpressed. 

It's not that the crocs don't kill and eat.  Once they had to get real jobs at a Starbucks like coffee place but got fired for eating one of the customers. 

And what's with the baby talk?  Their wives and children speak perfect English.  It's only the dads who are incapable of uttering a normal sentence.

In this strip one of them is sensing a rejection of his book proposal, so he decides to reject the editor instead.  I, personally, think the editor might have accepted the croc's proposal because I find their dialogue to be extremely entertaining. 

A couple of weeks ago I had a lovely interaction with my publisher/editor.  She was encouraging and gave me great advice.
