Friday, September 6, 2019

How Am I Doing?

Who the self was before the loss, what the self feels in the loss, and how the self responds to the loss make each person's experience different from all the others.  - Jerry Sittser

I think I'm doing pretty well.  David's been gone about six weeks.  I have lots to do and people who need me so that's good.  The only times I get a little impatient is when, occasionally, not often, somebody gives me unsolicited advice on how I should be feeling.  It happened yesterday.  Someone, trying (I guess) to be nice, told me exactly how I should feel .  And, of course, I loved the part about how she said David was old so I should have expected this!!

We can't help how we feel.  Grieving is different for everyone.  I think I'm doing fine.  But I do have a somewhat inappropriate relationship with the orchid grouping in this photo.  It's not even mine.  It was given to David's daughter by her friends but there was no way to get it on the plane - so I have it.  I spent a few days at my son's house waiting for the hurricane that never came.  The only thing I was really concerned about was the orchid.  I had the hurricane door in place so it was in the dark for four days. As soon as we got the okay my granddaughters and I came back and rescued the orchid.

And yesterday when I was walking in the mall I was so happy to see that, after three months, the Apple Store was finally reopened and it is spectacular.  My first thought was David will love this.  And I had my hand on my phone ready to take a picture and send it to him.  

So looks like I'm not yet totally dealing with reality.
