Friday, January 9, 2015

Miss Americas and Bad Boys

Bess Myerson
A few days ago Bess Myerson, 1945's Miss America, died at age 90.  She had an interesting life.

It made me think about all of the women I know, and know of, who've been brought down by a relationship with a bad man - and why women choose "Bad Boys."

My answer to this phenomena is "I don't know."  Here's a sad example.  Very few men in prison are there because a woman led them into a life of crime.  Most of the women in prison are there because a man led them into a life of crime.

Good Looking Mayor Lindsay
Bess Myerson was the first Jewish woman to become Miss America.  And what an important year for that to happen, just as World War II was ending.  She was beautiful, smart and an accomplished musician.  She was also full of integrity.  The pageant's director wanted her to change her name to something less Jewish.  She flatly refused.

After Bess became Miss America she spent a little time in show business then went on to become a consumer affairs commissioner under popular New York mayor John Lindsay.  (And, I might add, he was so very good looking!)

Bess was a powerful woman in New York politics and was a driving force in the election of Mayor Ed Koch.

But she had this boyfriend, Carl Capasso, who was a married, multimillionaire crook.  Bess was accused of bribery and conspiracy in connection with Carl.  She was later acquitted but her career was over.
Bess and Mayor Koch

I remember all of this.  It made me sad.  I didn't understand how she could be so dumb.  But it's happened so many times since that I'm no longer surprised.

However,  I'm still confused.
