Friday, June 6, 2014

Taxi Driver

Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere.  In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere...I'm God's lonely man.  Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver

This summer Dave and I decided to watch a few classic Netflix movies we've never seen.  A few days ago we watched Taxi Driver.

Oh my goodness!  I knew the movie was raw and real but I was still a little freaked.

We all know it has several stars and is directed by Martin Scorsese.  Some people think it's his  best movie.  Possibly.

But the film belongs to Robert De Niro.  He plays a mentally unstable Vietnam vet, New York cab driver.  When his character, Travis, said  I've got some bad ideas in my head,  I believed him.

But here's what blew me away.  The movie was made in 1976 and, sad to say, it's totally relevant today.  

For instance, we still have vets coming home who are all messed up and getting no help.  Some of them go berserk like Travis.  Why are we surprised?

We still have human trafficking.  Travis was enraged by seeing Jodie Foster as a 12 year old prostitute on the streets of New York.  We still have 12 year old prostitutes on the streets of every major city in the world.

 Taxi Driver was real and raw.  The ending scared me.  Travis was rewarded for his psychotic behavior.  That's relevant today as well.
