Friday, October 4, 2013

Radio Days

Our Sony Under the Cabinet Radio
I have always loved the radio.  And not just for music.  I love talk radio.  When I was a kid I loved dramas.  There's a world of difference between listening to the radio and reading versus movies and television.

When we're reading or listening to the radio, the action takes place inside our heads.  We visualize.  Sometimes we're shocked or disappointed when a movie is adapted from a book and it's not what we envisioned.

For instance, in the 70s I loved listening to a talk show host named Gene Burns.  To me, his voice belonged to a Prince Charming/Peter Jennings looking guy.  Later on I spoke on a panel with Gene Burns.  He looked nothing like Prince Charming or Peter Jennings.

For 18 years I've had an "under the cabinet" radio in the kitchen.  When the guys tore out and hauled away the kitchen cabinets a while back, of course, the radio went as well.

I thought it would be easy to get another "under the cabinet" radio.  Not so.  I don't think there is one in Central Florida.  I don't think folks buy regular radios much at all anymore.  We ended up ordering a Sony over the Internet.  It was pricey but I absolutely love it.  My pre-set stations are NPR, NPR-Jazz and a local news station.

And this slender, silver bullet looks great in our new kitchen.
