Sunday, September 16, 2012

Serving the Homeless

If you read this blog regularly - and I'm thrilled and grateful to those of you who do - you know that, from time to time, Dave and I serve meals at Daily Bread.  I've been doing it for about 30 years.

Last Thursday we went to downtown Orlando to The Christian Service Center, where Daily Bread is located, where we, along with five of our friends and another lady who drives 40 miles round trip every week to do this, served up 400 meals in one hour flat!

It's such a pleasure.  And an honor.

Since Daily Bread's been doing this so long they've got it down to a science.  First the families with children, and physically challenged folks are ushered in.  They're served at their tables.  I saw one young woman with a baby in a stroller.  It wasn't until I got up close to her that I could see that she also had a new born strapped to her chest.

After these folks are served the doors are opened and people come in single file.  We work as fast as we possibly can because the doors open at 11:30 - and they close at 12:30!

What do these folks look like?  They look like the rest of us.  How do they act?  They act like the rest of us. Once in a while somebody tries to grab a little extra food - but don't we all?

Another component of The Christian Service Center of Orlando is a ministry called Fresh Start, a live-in program that provides training for men. Several years ago my son agreed to provide dinner for these guys, once a month, for a year.  Sometimes he couldn't (or didn't have time to) get volunteers and so he, his wife and I got it together at the last minute.  But that was fun and rewarding as well.

Following is a testimony of one of the regular guests at Daily Bread.   I got it from their Website.  I used to see this guy but haven't in a while.  Hope he's doing well.

Henry comes to Daily Bread when he is not working at his two regular jobs, one at a local warehouse and the other in landscaping. “The soup here is the best, especially the seafood. They always make an announcement when we are having seafood, because there are those who allergic to shellfish, but I’m not, I love it.” Henry, a proud Orlando native, went to Colonial High School, but dropped out when his parents got divorced. “School was never for me. I did finally get my GED, but I mostly do labor type jobs. I don’t make a lot of money, so I come eat here whenever I can. Donations are well appreciated and go to good meals.”
Henry is a former resident of our men’s Fresh Start. “I enjoyed my time at Fresh Start. I enjoyed the camaraderie and Bible studies. I stayed 4 months and was able to save enough money to get my own place. That time was a blessing, and I still come back to visit. The Christian Service Center is a good organization that does a lot of good for the homeless and the poor.”
I couldn't agree more.