Thursday, June 7, 2012

Honey, They Shrunk the Newspaper (Again)

I think we'll be the last people around to subscribe to the local newspaper.  Each time it arrives it's smaller than the day before.  When I put the ads in the recycle bin prior to coming into the house, there's barely anything left.

The annual bill came recently and we serious considered making some changes but we're big newspaper fans so we'll stick it out for a while.

It'll be fun to start reading some of the European papers in a couple of days. I hope they haven't shrunk like ours.

In the meantime I read our AARP Bulletin today.  It tells me that a bunch of other stuff that's been around my whole life, and I really like,  is going away.  Such as:

  • The U.S. mail (or snail mail)
  • Home phones
  • Analog clocks (This is my school clock I've had on the wall for 40 years.  You can see the pendulum was swingjng when I took this photo ten minutes ago.)
  • Toilet paper (Toilet paper?)
  • Cursive writing

And they say the following are already gone.

  • Answering machines (We have one.)
  • Phone books (We have several.) 
  • Bank deposit slips (I used one today)
  • Printed dictionaries and encyclopedias (Dave just looked up something in his today.)

We're moving kicking and screaming into the future.  But we are moving. Thanks for being patient with us.
