Monday, November 22, 2010

Why I'm Happy

Dan Buettner has written a new book called "Thrive." It's a study of ways people can achieve happiness.

By the way, Dan says the happiest people in the USA live in San Luis Obispo, CA. Bummer for the rest of us!

But when he listed the four most happiness-producing elements, I knew I was golden. Here they are:

1. Sleep - Happy people get a good night's sleep. As those of you who read this blog regularly know, I have suffered life long insomnia. But about five years ago I started taking sleep seriously. One of the many things I do now is sleep in a cool room. Tonight it's supposed to get down to 15 degrees. Yes, I will open the bedroom windows as usual. Yes, Dave has a sense of humor about this.

2. Money - Yes, money's important. But we don't need much, just enough to feel secure about our shelter, food and medical care. That's about $75,000 for a family of four. So if you have more, share it. That will make you happy as well.

3. Physical Activity - Walking's the best, and it's free. Dave and I never miss a day.

4. Social Activity - Dave and I love being with other people. We love being with friends and family - and friendly strangers.

So those are Dan Buettner's top four elements. As you know, I'm a spiritual person so I would put that at the top of the mix. Being grateful every day for what I have makes me happy. But that's just me.

I do agree with his best advice for unhappy people who want to get happy: "You have to work at it."

Seems crazy to even say that but I see unhappy people all the time who seem to wallow in it.
