Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Scary Is the Inner City?

The other evening we watched the PBS special where writer and actor Tina Fey won the 2010 Mark Twain Award for American Humor. During the show they replayed one of the "30 Rock" segments where the character played by Tracy Morgan was having a flashback on his life in the 'hood.

Keep in mind that this was written for Tracy by Tina Fey, the self described "obedient white girl from the suburbs."

It's all coming back...I watched a prostitute stab a clown! Our basketball hoop was a ribcage!

I blocked all this stuff out for a reason.

Oh, Lord, some guy with dreads electrocuted my fish.

All my life I've tried to forget the things I've seen.

A crackhead breastfeeding a rat. A homeless man cooking a Hot Pocket on a third rail of the G train!...A puppy committed suicide after he saw our bathroom! I once bit into a burrito and there was a child's shoe in it! I've seen a hooker eat a tire!..A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy's!

I, myself, grew up on the mean streets of inner city Indianapolis but I never experienced anything like this. Or did I just block it out for a reason? I think I'll call my brother and check it out with him.
