Monday, July 12, 2010

Stuffed Animals

I once knew a woman who had her pet kitty cat stuffed, after he died, of course. I thought it was quite creepy.

Over the weekend a friend showed us a set of birds that family members had stuffed and put behind glass over 100 years ago. They were quite beautiful. I wonder how they died (couldn't have been shot, they were perfect) and how they were stuffed all that many years ago.

Then this morning I had an e-mail photo from my son who is bird hunting in Bolivia. I don't image he'll have the birds stuffed but he does have a whole herd of heads of big, beautiful animals mounted on his walls.

And now I have before me a newspaper article about my childhood hero, Roy Rogers (King of the Cowboys) who died several years ago. Christie's is auctioning off his memorabilia, including his horse, Trigger, whom Roy had stuffed in a very picturesque pose after Trigger died.

(But if you're interested in more horsepower you can bid on Roy's 1964 Bonneville convertible with door handles and gear shift made from silver plated pistols.)

I loved Roy Rogers and his lovely wife Dale Evans (Queen of the West,) and I saw him perform in person - with Trigger - several times on the grounds of Sunnyside Sanitarium where my beautiful 34 year old mother was dying from T.B.

He always let us little kids pet Trigger.

But I just didn't know what to think when Trigger was stuffed. It was creepier than the lady's kitty cat.
