Thursday, April 3, 2008

Judaeo Christian Lifestyle

Here is a trick question: "Is the Bible prejudiced?" The answer is "Yes." It's prejudiced toward the poor.

From the beginning to the end. Old Testament through New Testament. The clear message is "Take care of the poor."

Those cranky Old Testament prophets got the establishment all riled up about the subject.

Jesus did the same later on.

My favorite local newspaper columnist, Mike Thomas, has a remarkable column today. All through it he liberally (sorry if that word offends you) quotes the Bible. Mostly Jesus.

Our state is in a fiscal mess. But, rather than eliminate tax exemptions for wealthy residents and corporations we're going to do things like eliminate hospice care for terminally ill poor people.

Thomas says, "The arrogance is stunning. (These legislators) are about to spread misery they can't begin to comprehend. And it's all to protect tax loopholes."

What kind of people are we?
