Friday, April 25, 2008

Bus Drivers

A few years ago, I, myself, had a commercial driver's licence. It was required for the work I was doing - but I never once used it.

The test was hard. I was amazed when I passed. I could legally drive a bus - with passengers. There's no way I could have actually done it but I had a license and liked to brag about it.

So I'm way impressed by Lady Bus Drivers. A few weeks ago in Miami we boarded a bus headed for Ft. Lauderdale's Port Everglades where we would then board our luxury liner.

The bus driver was female, large and in charge. She was a riot. First she manhandled all of the bags into the storage department - by herself, with seemingly little effort.

She delivered a great monologue during the 30 minute trip. She apologized for not got faster (faster ?) but the company put a 73 MPR governor on her bus because she had so many tickets.

She congratulated us for cruising. Said that she's recently been on her first cruise, "The Booze Cruise" out of Miami.

Upon arrival at the port, she hauled all of the bags out lickity split. As I was leaving she complimented my haircut - and the said "I know haircuts because I'm also a hairdresser!"

So a big "thanks" to all of you bus drivers/comedians/hairdressers.

And a big "thanks" to the folks at Great Clips.
