Monday, August 12, 2024

What Do Women Want?


I wrote this poem in the 1970s.  I know we should all be grateful for Sigmund Freud and others, like Carl Yung, who was influenced by Freud, in their pursuit to discover what the heck we're all about.  

Later on, C. S. Lewis brought a spiritual dimension into play.  

I was thinking about this question, "What do women want?" when I was in my water aerobics class this morning.  Many of the women in the group are older and the primary caregivers for their unwell husbands.  My guess would be that their "wants" would not be in tune with Freud's conclusions. 

What brought this on was, last week, on TCM, I watched "Freud:  The Secret Passion," staring Montgomery Clift as Freud.  He was perfect for the roll of the depressed, suffering Freud, because Montgomery Clift looked that way in every one of his roles.  

But what got my attention was the young woman he was treating for "hysteria." Her name was  Cecily. 

When he discovered Cecily's diagnosis he also discovered his own.  It's a good movie but I was doing some major eye rolling throughout. 

I'm still sticking to my poem.


For more poems, my book New Day is on Amazon.