Monday, November 15, 2021

Vintage Clothing


Yesterday morning it was a bit chilly so I wore my vintage Scotch plaid scarf.  It's old, but I like wearing vintage things.I'm kind of vintage myself.  

And sometimes vintage items remind us of old stories.  Here's the one that popped in my brain yesterday. 

My husband Ken did not like his stint in the Army.  He'd graduated from college where he'd played football all four years, then spent a short time at Harvard Business School. 

 Shortly afterwards, he was drafted into the Army.  He went in as a private and came out a PFC.  He just wasn't cut out for Army life.  Ken was a creative.  He was sent to Germany for most of his time.  On some weekends, while his friends were whooping it up in town, and when he could hustle up the money, Ken traveled all over Europe, much of it hichhiking.

While he was in Scotland he bought several scarves and throws, which are essentially small blankets. 

So, how old is the scarf I'm wearing and the other items?  He was in the Army from 1956 to 1958 which  makes them about 64 years old. They look like new.
