Monday, December 4, 2017

This Is a Planet

In these days when truth is a relative concept we sometimes get confused about basic things. matter how many times somebody tries to tell you we live in a three-tiered universe (or that the earth is a banana,) ...that's not true.

Apparently, we have a small but growing number of people here in the US who believe the earth is flat.  But even they are dismayed with the Flat Earth Guy in California who wants to set off his home-built rocket in order to prove the earth is flat.  He plans to attach a camera to the rocket which will snap a photo proving the "curvy" concept is a hoax perpetrated by big government.  But the last thing I heard was that "big government" refused to issue him a permit.  And even one of his fellow believers said "even Wiley Coyote wouldn't approve this stunt."

Meanwhile, by 2020,  NASA plans to launch a repair and maintenance robot to work on orbiting satellites.  This must just blow the Flat Earth Guy's mind.

I love the words some of our greatest hymn writers used to describe our world; words like "orb" and "sphere."  In the fourth verse of one of our greatest hymns "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," often called the National Anthem of Christendom,  the words "terrestrial" and "celestial" are sometimes intermixed.

Let every kindred, every tribe
on this celestial ball
to Him all majesty ascribe,
and crown him Lord of all.
