Sunday, December 17, 2017

Do I Look Fat in This Shirt?

Apple managed to reinvent products that were already on the market, and got customers to think they had never seen anything like them before.  -  Steve Jobs

I asked Dave for a manly pose in this photo because he's showing off his UNTUCKit shirt he purchased a few months ago.  A recent article in my New Yorker magazine says that these shirts are hot.  Manhattan as gone from one to four UNTUCKit stores.

Why? Because they are revolutionary.  The article goes on to explain the cultural significance of a whole new shirt concept featuring a shortened shirttail that is meant to be worn untucked.  Hence the copywrited name:  UNTUCKit.

Some men think the UNTUCKit makes them look five years younger but ten pounds heavier.  Let me explain this phenomena.  As an older short woman with an expanding waistline I can assure you that I don't want to wear a shirt that cuts me off at the middle.  For me it's "the longer the better."

But I guess some older men who are long time "tucker inners" just feel uncomfortable letting their shirttails flow.  That's where UNTUCKit comes in to save the day.

Since we have no UNTUCKit stores here in Central Florida, Dave had to order his on line.  And, by the way, they are not inexpensive, despite the fact that they offer less material.

Dave did not ask the question posed in the title.  But to answer it, no his UNTUCKit doesn't make him look fat.  Dave's too tall and thin for that.
