Saturday, June 24, 2017

I Blame Meclizine

My New Hair Style
You haven't heard from me for a while.  The vertigo (BPPV) that took up residence in my inner ear on June 2nd is (hopefully) fading away.  Although just when I think it's gone it reminds me it's not.

However I'm faithfully doing my exercises (mostly Epley Maneuvers) and doing my best not to burden other people with my woes.

But the vertigo is not the reason I'm not posting on this blog.  In order to stay comfortable, some days I take the gold standard for anti-dizzy meds, Meclinzine.  It doesn't cure vertigo.  It just slows everything down.

And in doing so, it makes me stupid.

Here's an example.  Yesterday I decided to dye my hair.  It's needed to be dyed for a long time.  Like young King David's coat, it was my "Hair of Many Colors."  The top two inches were light brown from the old dye, blond from the sun and orange from the pool.  The bottom two inches were my natural black and white.

So, yesterday, as I was mixing up the dye ingredients, as I have for the last twenty years, I squirted the entire tube of conditioner into the mix.  I discovered my mistake before I applied the dye but I just didn't care.

But, (big surprise) my hair looks pretty good today.  It's like I had an expensive oil treatment.  We'll see what it looks like after the first shampoo this evening.

Maybe I've stumbled onto something.
