Sunday, August 9, 2015

Cuban Invasion

Frogs on the Porch Light
We've had a serious problem this past week so I posted it on Facebook and asked for suggestions.

I heard from several folks at church this morning and then a few on Facebook this afternoon.  So I think we're good.

A while back Dave saw a giant frog on our little porch light.  He flung it into the yard.  The next day there were three big frogs on the porch light - and there they stayed.  Quite disturbing.  What were the implications?  What should we do?  Woe is us.

My friends Julia and Penny, both native Floridans and both nature girls, told me we had ourselves some Cuban Tree Frogs.  And that they are prolific invaders from Cuba whose underlying motive is to wipe out indigenous Florida frogs.

Another wise native Floridan, Meme, had two words only...."Not good."

Diane, also smart  ( she' a CPA and likes dogs) said to put pepper on the porch light.
Cuban Tree Frog

So, this afternoon I got out my yard stick and began sticking the frogs.  Actually, just prodding.  It took forever.  They did not want to go.  Then I sprayed the light with WD 40 and threw on some pepper.

So, we'll see tomorrow if I succeeded.

Finally, my most serious concern was theological.  A frog invasion can have grave implications.  So I was relieved when one of my favorite wise theologians  (and, by the way, my former boss,) Dr. Ed Dinkins,  responded to my Facebook question "What does this mean," by answering:

It means you have frogs.
