Monday, January 27, 2025

With a Bang or a Whimper?

 Yesterday I pulled this old book out for some reason.  It was published in 1970 and I bought a copy soon after.

I enjoyed thumbing through it yesterday and, especially, reading my notes along the way. 

T.S. Elliott used to be one of my favorite poets.  He had a hard time with religion.  I, myself, am a Wesleyan. 

His poem, The Hollow Men, questions organized religion.  

Between the idea and the reality......Between the motion and the act.....Fall the shadow.  

My notes say:  Between the WIN Button and Whipping Inflation Now falls the shadow.

Remember how President Gerald Ford introduced the WIN button in 1974?  It didn't work but I still have my button. 

My notes also say:  Between women being accepted in theology school and being accepted for ordination falls the shadow. 

This did work.  In the United Methodist Church we now have as many women as men being accepted for ordination and they are serving in leadership positions around the country and the world. 

The famous last line of this poem is:  This is how the world ends, not with a Bang but a Whimper. 

Only last week I wrote in my journal:  How will my life end?  With a whimper or a bang?
