Monday, January 13, 2025

My Good Samaritan


In the 18 years I've been writing this blog, I've occasionally written about some whopper, crazy things I'd done using the heading "I Don't Make Mistakes." 

But this is not so much about me.  It's about a woman named Kim.  This morning, since the weather was cold and rainy,  I decided to do my daily two mile walk in the mall.  I carefully parked outside Penney's door, the second row, the forth spot down.   (Because I'm careful.  I don't make mistakes.)

After my walk I replaced my steps to the parking lot. car. 

I walked up and down the rows several times.  Still no car.  What to do?  I could have called any number of family and friends but I finally decided to call the police.  After all, it was their job to help.  There's even a COPs annex in the mall.  

But then a woman driving a big SUV stopped and asked if I needed help.  I gave her my car info and she drove up and down the rows.....but no car.  Finally she suggested I might have parked around the corner close to another Penney's entrance.  I didn't think so because....I don't make mistakes.  But I gave her the description again and she took off.  Thirty seconds later she was back.  

Bingo,  The car was exactly where I said it was, only in the other lot.  

What Kim did doesn't seem like a big deal right?  But here's the thing.  Not one other person asked if I needed help.  I would get it if I looked like the healthy, younger person I am inside.  But many, many people saw a little old lady with a cane wondering around the chilly, damp mall parking lot,

Kim was the only one who stopped.  It's a very big deal. 
