Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rules and Regulations

 I finished reading "Hour of the Witch" this morning.  My best take-a-way is, I''m so, so, grateful I didn't live in Massachusetts in 1662.  Not a safe place for a woman, especially a woman with a brain. 

Mary Deerfield's long, circuitous journey from being a battered wife to being accused of witchcraft and more (what an ending!) started with acquiring two forks. For starters, forks at that time were seen as pretentious. 

 They were also seen as "The Devil's Tines."

 Mary"s problem was, she was smart.  Her extremely abusive, older husband reminded her often that her brain consisted of "white meat." His assumption was his downfall. 

The Puritans were't the first to go off the deep end.  The church has had to have "Come to Jesus Meetings," literally, since The Sermon on the Mount.     

After finishing the above book this morning, I looked up some of the rules and regs in Deuteronomy. Here is part of the 5th verse in chapter 13......"so you shall purge the evil from your midst."

Please don't judge us by our forks.  
