Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Quality vs Quanity


Mae West Quote:

There's no such thing as too much of a good thing. 

Mae West was our first over-the-top sexy, outlandish actress.

Today I had a discussion with friends on the topic Quality vs Quantity.  Some folks, like hoarders and Mae West,  think quantity IS quality.  

But here's the difference.  Quality is subjective.  What each of us values can be very different.  Quantity is objective.  Ir represents a fact. 

I work very hard at staying as healthy as I can be.  However, I know that all of the things I do (or don't do) are not likely to give me a longer life.  But it does increase the quality, which for me means being creative, cultivating relationships and strengthening my spiritual life.  

Yesterday we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.  His life was cut short at age 39.  But he's still inspiring us by his action and words. 

The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important. Martin Luther King, Jr.