Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Twinkle, Twinkle

 Twinkle twinkle little star

When I attend my daily water aerobics group we sing the twinkle song while exercising our arms and fingers.  This week it has reminded me of the James Webb telescope photos.  

How I wonder what you are

Years ago I was a huge Carl Sagan fan and have done my best to wrap my brain around these latest photos of the vast unknown.  But I cannot. 

Up above the world so high 

These photos take us far beyond our galaxy; lead us far beyond the Big Bang theory.  I cannot begin to grasp what this means,  By the way, the best words I know to explain the Big Bang are the song lyrics from the TV show, Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state, then fourteen billion years ago, expansion started, wait...The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool... 

What I do know is that these photos give me an even greater sense of God's power and glory.  They remind me of the book of Revelation.  The true meaning is yet to be revealed. 

Like a diamond in the sky.
