Friday, November 6, 2020

Memories in the Time of Covid


A while back my grandson found this collage hidden away in my condo.  I don't remember when it was given to me but it had to be late 1970s or early 80s because that's the time frame that my husband, Ken, was the minister at  Broadway United Methodist Church in downtown Orlando. And I recognized a handful of these Broadway folks. 

Today I took the collage to be laminated because it was in rough shape.  It's been fun to discover little clues about who these folks are - or were.  I still can't place many of them, but here are some fun finds. 

The little blond kid in the upper right corner is my son John.

The young lady in the lower left corner is my daughter Cathy.

Pat Moses was a dancer, among other things, who studied at the Buddy Ebsen Dance Studio in Orlando, and has remained a life long friend.  You can easily find her in the collage. 

Helen Hurt, pictured on the bottom row, had two sons, Maury and Pete, who were well known artists.  I don't own any of their work but my children do.  All those many decades ago when I visited Helen, there was a painting just inside her front door that I loved with a passion.  It's at the center of this college.  My picture is just below.  

And I could go on.....but the strangest thing regarding this college happened yesterday. 

In a totally unrelated matter, I posted a desk chair I wanted to give away on my Facebook page.  The first person to reply was a woman named Diane.  I had no idea who she was.  Her last name was unfamiliar to me.  Yesterday she and her husband met me in my garage to take the chair.  We, of course, all wore masks.  But when she removed her mask for a minute I immediately remembered her from the Broadway Church.  I grabbed the college out of the car - and there she was!  Forty years younger.

How crazy was that?
