Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Stress Relieving Frog

 I've had an especially stressful last few days - and it's not going to end soon.  But then I don't need to tell you this because we're all in the hot soup right now.  And we're all trying some healthy and not so healthy ways of dealing with our days of stark terror with a little overlay of chronic sadness. 

I was seriously thinking I should seek out some professional help but it would take several hours to explain what all is currently going on in my life.  And in the end, another person can't fix it.  

But, I live in a nifty village of friends and family so, a couple of days ago,  I did share bit of it with my friend Trish.  And Dr. Trish knew just what I needed.  She told me a sweet, funny story and sent me sweet funny photos.  Trish lives in the woods. She's crazy smart and crazy artistic. 

She has a little tractor/pickup she calls "The Frog."  She told me about having visitors and how she'd taught one of the kids to drive the frog - and afterwards rewarded her with a Frog Driver's License.  

So, this morning, when Trish texted me to see how I'm doing, I replied:

I'm hanging in there.  But a VERY stressful week.  Wish I could get in my Frog and drive around the forest but I don't have a frog driver's license

So Trish sent me this "Official" driver's license.  It even has the star, enabling me to drive my Frog to Europe. 

I hope you are blessed with powerful friends like Trish. 
