Thursday, February 6, 2020

What's Your Super Power Now?

I've been dealing with health issues for a while now. I know I have flipped over into a new chapter in my life.  But aging is a part of this amazing circle of life and therefore, is good.  I want to do this part well.

Whatever "this part" looks like.

One of my favorite writers on this subject is cloistered nun, writer and political activist, Joan Chittister.  In her book The Gift of Years she says this:

Then will come twilight time, that space between here and there, between earth and eternity, when we begin to be more there than here.  When the concerns of this world fade away and we begin to be concentrated somewhere else.  That does not mean that this last period of life is an inactive time, a meaningless time.  Not at all. ....
There is a strength, a new kind of dignity, that comes with learning weakness well.....This our time to be honest, to be loving, to be open, to be grateful, to be patient, to be lovable and loving and loved.

I'm still very interested and active in the world around me but I'm also finding Joan's words to ring true. However, much of the change is good.   Every single day I'm given the opportunity to use my new super power.

A while back my grandson was invited to speak at a school for dyslexic children that he attended a few years back.  He's in college now but the skills he leaned back then to navigate that mysterious hard time in his life have served him well.

When my copy of the school's magazine arrived a few days ago I was delighted to see that his speech was included.  I've copied a small portion below.  I think it could apply to all of us who are recalibrating our lives to accept a new season with optimism and power.  Jack used the plot of the original Star Wars to illustrate how we all need to adjust to a new reality.  So please read the following, but insert your new life circumstances in place of of the challenge of dyslexia or Luke Skywalker's challenges in becoming a Jedi warrior.

Luke Skywalker had this amazing gift inside; he just needed to learn how to use the force.  He had to study Jedi masters, like Schenck teachers, to learn all he needed to conquer life and the dark side.  And it was hard.  He had to undergo adversity, study with strange creatures like Yoda, go through rigorous training and discover how to get along with people.

Like Luke, you - ALL of you - are Jedi warriors.  You have these great, unique powers and you are growing stronger every day.

Like Luke, we ALL have to learn how to overcome pain, worry, and doubt to become a mighty Jedi.

My friends, there are wonderful things ahead.  Every once in a while, you will have some tough days.  This happened to Luke when his friend got captured, his hand got cut off, and his greatest enemy turned out to be his dad.  Don't worry when the hard time comes; healing happens.

I'm so grateful to people in my life like Sister Joan and Jack who give me the gift of empowerment just when I need it most.  What's your current super power?
