Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fear of Falling

...Falls are the number one cause of injuries - and injury death - in older Americans.  -  Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Over the years I've written several postings on falling and how important it is to be proactive.  I have taken several anti-falling classes and currently I'm wearing my Medical Alert button and using my colorful, hand carved cane from Mexico when I'm out and about.

A while back I went to see a good friend who had recently had a bad fall resulting in serious injury.  I admire this woman in so many ways.  She has a career and is the epitome of living a life that matters.  I sat on her couch and asked her to tell me exactly what happened.  She told a funny, hair raising story of doing several things after the fall before deciding to get medical help; like feeding and walking the dog, etc.  She then drove herself, with her bleeding arm wrapped in a blood soaked towel, to the ER.

So, wanting to be as helpful as possible I said, what you did  after the fall was stupid.  But I was laughing when I said it and we went on to have a fun visit, as we almost always do.  She's one of those strong women who's lived a life rich with many chapters.  She's extraordinarily kind and generous but a straight shooter about her beliefs and values - that differ somewhat from mine in the way we live them out.  I respect this.  She respects me.

As I was getting ready to leave she took notice of my hand bag and she expressed concern about how big it was and how it had a short handle that made it difficult to carry on my shoulder.  I told her I had all this stuff to carry, blah, blah, blah, as I was gathering myself, the big purse and my cane.

Then she said, Carrying the big purse is stupid!  Get rid of it.

So I have downsized.
