Thursday, October 17, 2019

Another Bridge Builder is Gone

My husband, Ken, was known as a bridge builder.  But he was also affectionately known as a Yellow Dog Democrat.  This title suggests a person who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a non-democrat.  Even thought they are polar opposites, he loved both of these descriptions.  I, on the other hand, was way more moderate.

Yesterday's paper announced the death of life long republican  congressman, Lou Frey.  Lou was also a consummate bridge builder.  He got things done.  He liked to discuss all points of view and was good at collaborating with people.

For 20 years he did a program on NPR with Dick Batchelor, a strong Democrat.  Dick is quoted as saying  that  For 20 years at NPR, we did point/counterpoint as a Republican and Democrat, and we never argued about anything.

In the '80s, Lou Frey ran for governor.  He chose Representative Marilyn Evans-Jones as his Lieutenant Governor running mate.  Marilyn was a member of the church where my Yellow Dog Democrat husband was the pastor.  Sounds like trouble, huh.

But Ken, shockingly (to me)  ended up going through the process of changing his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican so he could vote for this team.  Why? Because it was the right thing to do.

Of course, after the vote, he switched back.

Lou Frey helped all of us learn how to be responsible, loving, kind and strong.  And above all, even though it might be extremely uncomfortable, do the right thing.
