Saturday, March 9, 2019

How Many 80 Year Olds Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?

So, this past week a light bulb went out in the bathroom ceiling.  Since then we've been discussing our options.  It's not easy to get a repair person to show up for a five minute job.  Last night as we shared wine and snacks with friends and neighbors I was looking around for a good candidate but, while these folks are still funny, smart and entertaining, most of them did not look like ceiling light bulb changing material.

We're well aware that falls in older people can be a catastrophic.  However, experts have decided that the cause of most falls are not "slip and falls," or some of the other old-people reasons we've believed.  Most of them are caused by "incorrect transfer of body weight."

  So we decided we'd tackle it today.

This was after our long walk in Winter Park where we discussed the controversial writer Ayn Rand and her philosophical concept she called Objectivism.  Dave and I both read Rand's The Fountainhead in the early 60s.  He loved it and I did not.  So I had to explain to Dave this morning that this was because, at that time, he was an architect and artist and I was a raging liberal/feminist.

Why am I telling you this?

Because changing a light bulb in a high ceiling when you're old takes intellectual abilities, which, from the conversation above, we obviously still have.

So, working together, with Dave on the step stool (carefully using a correct transfer of body weight) and me assisting him - we got the job done.

AND we used an LED Multi-Use A19 bulb with a ten year life span.  So we won't be doing this again anytime soon.
